Wanna see the truth?

Wanna see the truth?

I want to give you a quick example of how these hacks and worse at The Nevada Independent and KUNR roll. Look what they do here in this hit piece against me, us. From the Nevada “not so” IndependentSee here how they try to paint me as racist? Do you know who said what...

ROV Update

ROV Update

ROV crap show…part deuce. So in addition to the last update here, we see many more issues. We brought our attorneys in to discuss with the county legal team, and hopefully, the GOP will join us to address these issues with the county and sue, if needed, ASAP. Won’t...

Lockard’s neighbors…

Lockard’s neighbors…

You can learn a lot about somebody from their neighbors and board members. Like how someone uses or abuses their power when they have even the slightest bit of it. Look at neighbor's and board members' comments about Keith Lockard: “Keith Lockard abused his power by...

Oh boy, here we go

Oh boy, here we go

So the 6-week election circus has started. I remember the day when we had our elections in one day, and we knew the winners the same day. Remember that? Now they need millions of dollars and 6 weeks to count 100,000 votes. Simply put, we could do the same in a day,...

Hide’n Hillary trying to hide $14 million dollars?

Hide’n Hillary trying to hide $14 million dollars?

The Nevada Globe, which appears to be the only media outlet actually doing real journalism, released a crazy article. Crazy because it again shows how bad Hide’n Hillary Schieve is for Reno, if true. Allegedly Hillary and possibly the council issued a gag order to...

Tin foil hats and Voting today!

Tin foil hats and Voting today!

Alright, folks, get out the box of aluminum foil. There's a hat in each box.  Go ahead and put your tin foil hat on, as the press will call you-us CrAzY for asking these simple questions. So Washoe County is using Konnech polling software and possibly Poll Chief, its...

Now the AG is attacking US!

Now the AG is attacking US!

So, it’s no surprise we’re making waves. It’s not because we’re lying. It’s because we’re showing truths. It scares “them” and “their” narratives. Over the past couple of years, all of us so-called “conspiracy theorists” keep being proven right. I asked questions...

Edwin Lyngar’s Greatest Hits

Edwin Lyngar’s Greatest Hits

Edwin "Lungar" Lyngar is running for County Commissioner. He would have the power to control your way of life. Would you elect someone who says these things? In Lyngar's own words: “although someday I’d like to run for my local school board, I doubt I ever will. The...

They’re scared…

They’re scared…

We know they’re scared.  Who? The media and their handlers. Scared of what?  The truth getting out. Not violence, just you knowing what's real and what’s not. We see slanderous, libelous article after article against us daily, but yesterday we hit back. We gave them...

Election skeptics?

Election skeptics?

Election skeptics?  Is this the new term for election deniers? Why the change? Is it because 83% of us believe we have election issues? Or because Trump is suing CNN for half a billion dollars? Or because something like 300 candidates or officeholders say there are...

Do you belong to this organization?

Do you belong to this organization?

Here locally, we have candidates backed by globalist George Soros and pals. Don’t believe us? The Treasurer of Open Democracy PAC is Michael Vachon, a spokesman for billionaire investor and philanthropist George Soros and is Chairman of the Soros Management Fund....

Media? Try propaganda. Read this.

Media? Try propaganda. Read this.

So I was contacted by this Bert Johnson "he-him" at KUNR, they are working with the Nevada Independent and APM Reports to do a "piece" or profile on me. Hit piece, that is. Look at our email exchanges below, and read what these people are trying to frame. Do you...

Must Watch and Share

Must Watch and Share

Have you ever heard of the documentary, Freedom To Fascism? It’s Aaron Russo’s prophetic take from 2006 on what is happening to our Country and world. It’s over a decade old now, but still incredibly relevant.  Watch what he and others expose then, that you can see...

Stealing your vote, right in front of your face…

Stealing your vote, right in front of your face…

I know we touched on this previously. Yet, I can’t stay quiet. The Reno City Council is appointing another council member. Oscar Delgado resigned, so instead of having an election, or I don't know…… Just throwing the empty seat on our election in a few weeks, they...

The real threat to our democracy

The real threat to our democracy

The real threat to our democracy…… First off, we have/had a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, that must be said. The real threat is totalitarianism, but I digress already…. Regardless of what they want to call it, we have real issues with our voting rights and...



Problem! There is some crazy information going around telling people how to vote.  They are telling people to use a blue pen and simply put a line through the bubble on the ballot and circle the candidate of their choice.  This is lunacy. READ DIRECTLY FROM THE...

Hide’n Hillary Loves That Tax Money…..

Hide’n Hillary Loves That Tax Money…..

When I say tax money, let’s face it, it’s our money.  Every dollar printed into existence is a debt upon us all. Every tax dollar spent, again, is our money. This is for another deeper discussion, but just know, tax money, is our money, and these so-called public...

Little Butthurt Brekhus

Little Butthurt Brekhus

Butthurt Brekhus….. Why is Brekhus throwing shade on George “Eddie” Lorton? Is it because Eddie beat her? Now she wants to get back at him? It’s rather odd for her to be trying to help Hiden’ Hillary Schieve, “the Destroyer of Reno.” She says she can’t stand Hillary...

Washoe County and the LOCAL press caught colluding?

Washoe County and the LOCAL press caught colluding?

So we all heard about the so-called threats to election officials, including the MIA Spikula. But where are the receipts? Where is the proof there were ANY threats against them? I went to many county commissioner meetings, and the overwhelming outcry was for Spikula...

The Galileo Effect

The Galileo Effect

The Galileo Effect? Yes, the Galileo Effect. What do I mean? Well, there was this guy named Galileo Galilei. From 1564 to around 1642, he did his little thing called going against the entire system. That's sarcasm. It wasn’t little…. In all his early curiosity and...

Washoe ROV does it again…

Washoe ROV does it again…

How much incompetence at best must we endure from the Washoe County ROV? We even saw the article in which the RGJ reports the ROV needs a massive overhaul. We saw in the primaries the envelopes missing the adhesive strip, yet say it’s there. We saw the huge issues as...

Shillary Hide’n Schieve….

Shillary Hide’n Schieve….

"Let’s go downtown, honey…." Next to no one anymore says, “let’s go downtown, honey” Why is that? Oh yea, it’s literally a crap hole! 50-60% of the businesses appear vacant. The businesses there seem to be suffering greatly and possibly on the way out as well. The...

$100,000 Rewards

$100,000 Rewards

So I got a wild idea. We see and hear all about the injustice going on in our County, but it remains. I thought, "what if" What if…. I offered a $100,000 reward for any legally obtained information leading to the arrest and conviction of public servants breaking the...

What We See..

What We See..

What we see…. We’re on the road to communism….. What happens when communist globalists get involved in America? They're trying to make it communist. Essentially, they want to turn America into just like “everywhere else” or worse. We know America is special. My great...

Lethargic Lockard?

Lethargic Lockard?

Soros and the gang supported Keith Lockard…… Attendees at the Hidden Valley Candidate Forum report Keith Lockard was dozing off during the event. Hmm... where have we seen this before? 'The Eagle is dozing!': Biden appears to doze off at climate summit. Lethargic...

Mariluz bangin your man too?

Mariluz bangin your man too?

Is Mariluz Bangin Your Man too? As reported by The Nevada Globe, Mariluz "bangin your man too" Garcia has allegedly been having sex with Oscar Delgado. Delgado recently stepped down from the Reno City Council however, Mariluz is still thrusting forward with her run...

Turd in the River

Turd in the River

Ad viewable on Facebook: https://fb.watch/fPqnQuTFkD/ Over the last century, our Truckee River has been known for many things. We saw in the early 1900s that the Truckee was known for divorcees chucking their wedding rings into the river after their divorce. It’s been...

The Washoe County ROV Website is down.

The Washoe County ROV Website is down.

I'm sure it's not another hack that never happened again, right? Nothing to see, right? Scheduled maintenance, right, that's not scheduled? Look, our votes and information can't be placed here. Our vote, nay our voice, is toooooo important! E.Z. fix: Paper ballots, my...

Racist, Hypocrite, Fascists!

Racist, Hypocrite, Fascists!

So the people on the left constantly wail about how voter I.D. disenfranchises minority voters. They think minorities are too stupid to get an I.D. That, to me, is racist. They constantly call people who want free and fair elections racist or fascist. Voter ID and our...

David VS Goliath

David VS Goliath

Is it crazy to think our leaders are lying to us? Share this with everyone; our country depends on it. Yes. 83% of ALL Americans believe we have election issues, and they're right. We do. Yet, it's important we vote. If we don't, they'll no longer need to cheat....

What’s Hillary Hide’n?

What’s Hillary Hide’n?

So….our great City and County are circling the drain. We’re all doing worse and worse yet Hillary Schieve seems to be thriving? What does she know that we don’t? We’ve all heard the stories about her at swinger parties, rubbing up against Sisolak at private functions,...

Solid Wins Today!

Solid Wins Today!

So here’s a little bit of good news for you. Because of your tireless devotion to helping fix our elections, we made some progress today. Our attorneys confirmed that they would no longer be putting the party registration or precinct information on the ballot return...

WTF is this?!!!!! So evil….here in Washoe…

WTF is this?!!!!! So evil….here in Washoe…

Pals of Soros, and appears Soros himself are backing all these Nevadan candidates. Why? What are Soros and Pals known for? Burning the Constitution? Promoting Nazis? Why the F are they in Nevada supporting these people? Knowing who backs these candidates, why in F...

Why does Lefty Lungar Lyngar hate God?

Why does Lefty Lungar Lyngar hate God?

Why does Lefty Lungar Lyngar hate God? It’s a solid question, right? What happened in Triple L’s youth or adulthood to make him this way? He speaks of his father as being conservative and possibly Christian but not himself? Why? In that article, he shares his...

Lefty Lungar Lyngar Wants To Grab Our Guns?

Lefty Lungar Lyngar Wants To Grab Our Guns?

So does ole Lefty Lungar Lyngar, AKA Triple L, want to take our guns? God save us, but if he was to be elected as our county commissioner, do you think our guns would be safe? Look what he says here: "Guns don’t kill bad guys, studies are clear: They kill wives and...

What’s wrong with our courts?

What’s wrong with our courts?

Folks, what the hell is wrong with our courts here in Nevada? We just saw judge Wilson throw out the Gilbert contest, in where I quote, “That The Math Calculations Whether They Are Correct For The Purpose Of This Assuming That They Are Correct I Agree With Mr....

Who in their right mind…

Who in their right mind…

Who in their right mind, If informed, would vote for these people? Triple L, Lefty Lyngar Lyngar wants a job. He wants one of the MOST powerful jobs in our County as Commissioner. He wants your vote. Who in their right mind would vote for a guy that said, "I cuss...

Dems are Waking Up

Dems are Waking Up

We’ve seen polls showing masses of Dems fleeing to the Republican side. Many of these Dems are solid people who just have a difference of opinion on how we should spend our money and attention on certain issues. What these Dems are seeing now is a press who is so...

Lefty Lungar Lyngar

Lefty Lungar Lyngar

There are many on the left, blushing, running for cover, disowning, deciding not to endorse and give funds to old Lefty Lungar Lyngar. Even the left is saying the dude has gone too far and doesn’t represent us. So who does he represent? Imagine, if you will, Lefty...

Lookin’ for another job Lockard?

Lookin’ for another job Lockard?

76-year-old Keith Lockard has worked for the machine for a long, long time. According to the Washoe County Registrar of Voters, It appears he was a Republican until somewhere between 2018 and 2020, then switched to Democrat.Why? Now he’s a Dem? Is he looking for...

What’s Hillary Hide’n

What’s Hillary Hide’n

It’s like a buffet in Washoe, there is so much to choose from when it comes to shining the sunlight on politicians, policies, etc. Reno was basically built by Nick Abelman, Bill Graham, Jim McKay, and George Wingfield, who took over businesses, then politics, and of...

WARNING! Lyngar ALERT! Read At Your Own Peril.

WARNING! Lyngar ALERT! Read At Your Own Peril.

WTF is this??? We warned ya….Edwin Lyngar is running for county commissioner district 5. Who Wrote this as a part of a magazine called “Ontologica” by a now removed website called “WarriorPoetGroup.com”, and I quote: “There is nothing more beautiful than Ray Ray's...

Who is Edwin Lyngar?

Who is Edwin Lyngar?

Well, he’s running against Washoe County’s beloved Mighty Mouse, Jeanne Herman, for Commissioner District 5. But who is Edwin Lyngar? We’ll be exposing what we’ve found often and frequently but first….. Do you know anyone voting for Democrats anymore? The Democrat...

SOS for the SOS

SOS for the SOS

Signal of distress to the Secretary of State and office. Many of us are scratching our heads, wondering if the SOS and office are incompetent or corrupt. Actions speak louder than words, especially inaction. Staying quiet is still saying something. Doing nothing is...

Celebrating Communism

Celebrating Communism

“that the math calculations whether they are correct for the purpose of this assuming that they are correct I agree with Mr. Williams argument that is not enough...” - Judge Wilson Some are celebrating communism today, I’ll discuss it in a bit. As I keep saying, they...

Unbelievable, the contest was denied!

Unbelievable, the contest was denied!

We’re sitting with absolute proof yet…. Discovery denied. Court denied. We The People were denied our day in court once again! Gilbert meets at least 3 of the criteria to lawfully contest the election. The judge is told and shown there is an impossible mathematical...

The Big Coordinated Rig

The Big Coordinated Rig

So….. Inside information from so-called public leaders has been flooding in to us. Many are tired of the corruption and election shenanigans. They are tired of high inflation, high crime, high homelessness, open borders, high food-fuel prices, and leaders who weren't...

Have you figured it out yet?

Have you figured it out yet?

UPDATE: CONTEST HEARING SCHEDULED 8/12 - 9 AM CARSON CITY, Thank God!It’s quite funny, really, as sad as it is… What? Let’s play Beadles-libs instead of Ad-Libs… How the so-called leaders or opinion givers have fewer followers than your local ______ … What do you mean...

When will he concede?

When will he concede?

Never. That’s right, never. Why would Joey ever concede? Three institutionally recognized experts and one of the smartest mathematicians (who doesn’t meet institutional recognized status) all say the 2022 primary was rigged. Knowing these people would ever risk their...

The Big Lie

The Big Lie

Have you noticed the coordinated attack on free thinkers? The media and political parties alike perpetuate the notion that anyone who believes there are election issues are “Big Lie” conspiracy theorists. So why, then, is it that 83% of ALL AMERICANS have concerns...

Is It All Being Exposed?

Is It All Being Exposed?

Well, I bet you haven’t heard or seen this developing on any major news channel... Voting machines fail the logic and accuracy test… https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/07/breaking-dominion-voting-machiens-fail-el-paso-co-co-logic-accuracy-test-hand-recount Why does...

Friday Court Update!

Friday Court Update!

I’m being told by several high-ranking GOP and political types, “Beadles, you’re splitting the party!” “The Majority of people say they won’t vote,” these people tell me. I simply respond, “what does that tell you?” They look a bit baffled and shrug their shoulders or...

Court Update!

Court Update!

The sell-out commie media says I’m a con man… Why? Because I and others use our time and dime to try and make sure YOUR vote counts, the way YOU want it to? We live in a crazy upside-down world people, but I digress, let’s get to court! The court date has been moved!...

Has Washoe County sold us out?

Has Washoe County sold us out?

The video you must share EVERYWHERE is at the end, but first… It's been what seems a forever journey with the Registrar of Voters in Washoe and the county commissioners alike. After our second-to-none, world-class team and I dug into all the crazy election issues of...

The Media Sold You Out

The Media Sold You Out

Growing up, we mostly thought what we saw on tv and heard from the news reporters was real, was the truth. But as we got older, wiser, and questioned things a bit more, we quickly saw the discrepancies. Now we won't go down the bottomless rabbit hole of things like...

Uncharted waters… here we go!

Uncharted waters… here we go!

After nearly two years of research and weeks of writing—through God's grace—the Gilbert gubernatorial contest lawsuit was filed today. We realize Gilbert's race wasn’t two years ago, but the method in which Gilbert was deprived has been happening for a very long time....

The Three Things We Must Do?

The Three Things We Must Do?

While there are many things we must do, the list is miles long, but what are the three most important things we must do? Go back to God, support our God-fearing constitution-loving candidates, and secure our elections. Let’s quickly discuss my why’s. Why go back to...

The 100% Proof Is Off To Court!

The 100% Proof Is Off To Court!

We’re currently where truth meets the light or where truth gets swept into the shadows. You have to agree, it’s been a wild past couple of years, and it’s coming to a head. Here’s a very abbreviated recap: We built an incredible team back in January of 2021 to figure...

The Washoe Rig

The Washoe Rig

Think our elections are legitimate? Think again. WASHOE COUNTY DOCUMENT CLARK COUNTY DOCUMENT Never mind all the proof we have of how they rig elections. Never mind the fact we can prove there is no chain of custody on most any ballots counted. Never mind we can show...

Recount Done In The Big Two, what did they find?

Recount Done In The Big Two, what did they find?

Such a joke… Look, we knew it would be a joke, but we had to do the recount so we could get to the contest stage in front of a judge and expose the insanity that took place in our primaries. But guess what, I was actually wrong! I thought the results would come in FAR...

Rigged Recount Day One Notes

Rigged Recount Day One Notes

The morning started off around 6:18 am in Clark County, where the legal team was given 12 minutes notice that the recount starts at 6:30 am. Full stop, what!? 12 minutes to mobilize? Obviously, the ROV in Clark told his staff to arrive at 6:30 am and start the...

The Rigged Recount Begins…

The Rigged Recount Begins…

In science, to prove a theory as fact, you must hold experiments—In which multiple tests are done to prove a scientific fact. To prove gravity, you would drop a bowling ball, feather, car, etc., do some math, then prove that via these tests to conclusively prove there...

Where is the Statement of Votes Cast?

Where is the Statement of Votes Cast?

Well, Registrar of Voters (ROV) Deanna Spikula has officially resigned. To our knowledge, she hasn’t been seen since March 8th, so this is not a big surprise. Additionally, she stated she received death threats; however, none have been publically shown to our...

Did My Vote Count?

Did My Vote Count?

People up and down the state of Nevada ask me if their vote counted. They all have similar stories. They all voted in person, brought in their ballot to the Registrar of Voters (ROV) or polling location, and handed it to a poll worker, yet the Secretary of State's...

Are Nevada’s elections completely corrupt? Friday will show us!

Are Nevada’s elections completely corrupt? Friday will show us!

Folks, the Nevada election system is incompetent at best and completely corrupt at worst. Don’t take my word for it; we have 100s of witnesses and their affidavits, photos, and videos to prove it without question. What does this mean in a nutshell? It’s simple; there...

Lucey And Gang At It Again?

Lucey And Gang At It Again?

WOAH! Politicians could soon be able to use your Tax Dollars PERSONALLY against you! by operationsunlight | Jun 17, 2022 | Beadles BombsRead Our Press Release on This Issue Here:...

Nevada primaries are impossible to certify legally.

Nevada primaries are impossible to certify legally.

Nevadans know there is something fookey with our elections. Something like 80% of people, according to True The Vote, now question the election process. You know what, they’re right to! Take CRT candidates, they are incredibly unpopular, yet somehow they are winning...

Republicans or Ringers?

Republicans or Ringers?

So in seeing this ad, one has to ask, who is the Open Democracy Pac? https://opendemocracypac.comWe see they want to “stop election subversionists” and keep out the hands of election deniers and Big Lie believers. Interesting, do people really believe Biden got more...

The Media Got it Wrong Again

The Media Got it Wrong Again

Every day I find out something new about myself. My wife, kids, myself, and true friends laugh at the lies they say about me. Unfortunately, it seems when you expose election fraud, you become a target from both Republicans and Democrats, but none worse than the...

Carmen and Crew… The Washoe Elections Must be Investigated

Carmen and Crew… The Washoe Elections Must be Investigated

If we restore our elections, we restore it all. But unfortunately, many fail to realize that with broken and fraudulent elections—it has a snowball effect on our daily lives. For instance, most don't want CRT taught in our schools—and had Angela Taylor’s race not been...

Bob Lucey, AKA Bob “Lucifer” Is at it again?

Bob Lucey, AKA Bob “Lucifer” Is at it again?

In an article posted by the Picon Press, they provide documents and background into Bob Lucey’s wife. According to the article, this has resulted in the Luceys receiving nearly $400,000 so far in grant money for the county position. The article states that out of...

Washoe Lawlessness

Washoe Lawlessness

In the last article, we showed you what meaningful observation means to the County ROV in Washoe County, basically a small, soundproof, no ventilation having fart box that allows no meaningful observation. We also exposed how the mail-in ballot envelopes are confusing...

We have to SUE to VIEW? Ok, we did. Now what?

We have to SUE to VIEW? Ok, we did. Now what?

Who would have thought we'd have to sue to view our election process? We The People, our most precious voice—our vote—is counted in secret—by machines—and by the few we didn't elect. We literally have to take the word of one to a few people as to who wins and who...

Nope, they don’t hold the same weight in Nevada

Nope, they don’t hold the same weight in Nevada

In my last letter, I mentioned Trump endorsed two highly unpopular candidates in Nevada, Joe Lombardo and Adam Laxalt. It cost him a huge chunk of his core base in Nevada. We're not sure why he did it, but he did it, and guess what? The people spoke, and they said...

Does Trump’s endorsement hold the same weight it once did?

Does Trump’s endorsement hold the same weight it once did?

Yesterday we saw Donald Trump endorse Clark County's, Sheriff Joe Lombardo. Joe is accused of numerous serious issues—things like burying the investigation of 58 murders and countless injuries at the Route 91 Concert in Las Vegas. Failing to properly investigate the...

Welcome to Washoe Wacky math meets Washoe Wasted elections

Welcome to Washoe Wacky math meets Washoe Wasted elections

Read and share everywhere. In looking at the Washoe voter rolls, looking at the Registrar of Voters (ROV) reported amount of voters, looking at the reported amount of voters added and removed, and then seeing all the missing voters, Beadles coined the term Wacky...

Justice Prevailed!

Justice Prevailed!

In a time when most people have had serious doubts about the intent of the judicial system for the past two days, we have been reminded there are still some amazing judges out there. In fact, these two judges have restored some faith in the judicial system to millions...

Spikula is on leave…

Spikula is on leave…

Why would Deanna Spikula leave amidst the busiest time for the ROV? She’s been gone since 3/8/22; it appears as well. Will Heather Carmen now be the new face of fraud? We have Spikula caught in numerous lies, and she was in charge of our elections. She was bankrupt,...

Rules are for thee, not for me…

Rules are for thee, not for me…

Imagine your wife is caught driving under the influence of alcohol. Imagine she is nearly FOUR TIMES the legal limit. What do you think would happen? In Nevada, the DUI limit for blood alcohol is .08; imagine if it was .30. Imagine a drunk driver driving into oncoming...

How in the world can you trust the ROV in Washoe? Part deux…

How in the world can you trust the ROV in Washoe? Part deux…

How in the world can you trust the ROV in Washoe? Part Deux…. The ROV is MIA; no one has seen Dianna Spikula in a month; Heather Carmen appears to be the new ROV or soon to be ROV—we wonder if she will be the face of fraud exposed shortly too? This, in itself, is not...

Bob’s at it again, but ON OUR DIME!

Bob’s at it again, but ON OUR DIME!

When a candidate runs for office and feels their opponent is not eligible to run for office, they can issue a “challenge”. This challenge is almost always paid for by the candidate running for office. If the candidate who files the challenge doesn’t win the challenge,...

Who is Bob Lucey, the Washoe County Commissioner?

Who is Bob Lucey, the Washoe County Commissioner?

We all think politicians are dirty, but what do you do when you know they're dirty and have the most credible witnesses to it? Here we have two beloved County Commissioners testifying to this Commissioner's character. This character, named Bob Lucey, was named Robert...

City of Orlando Apologizes for Negative July 4 Message

City of Orlando Apologizes for Negative July 4 Message

ROBERTO SCHMIDT/AFP via Getty The City of Orlando, Florida, issued an apology over the weekend for posting a negative Fourth of July message, in which it said it “can’t blame” people for not wanting to celebrate America when there is “so much division, hate and...

WATCH: Mexican Army Sends Sinaloa Cartel Gunmen into Retreat

WATCH: Mexican Army Sends Sinaloa Cartel Gunmen into Retreat

Twitter Screenshot La Vos Del Pueblo Mexico’s military clashed with gunmen from the Sinaloa Cartel in a fierce battle over the weekend. They terrorized a town in an attempt to rescue a detained cell leader. The incident took place Saturday in Altar, Sonora, where...

Two Armed Human Smugglers Arrested near Border in Arizona

Two Armed Human Smugglers Arrested near Border in Arizona

U.S. Border Patrol/Tucson Sector Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents arrested two armed human smugglers as they attempted to move migrants into the U.S. interior from southern Arizona. The arrests occurred in two separate attempts. Tucson Sector Chief Patrol Agent John...

Joe Biden Renews Gun Control Push Following Highland Park Attack

Joe Biden Renews Gun Control Push Following Highland Park Attack

Evan Vucci/AP President Joe Biden renewed his gun control push following the July 4 attack on a parade in the Highland Park suburb of Chicago. Breitbart News noted that the attack killed at least six and wounded at least 24. Biden reacted to the attack by posting a...

Suspect in Highland Park Shooting Arrested by Law Enforcement

Suspect in Highland Park Shooting Arrested by Law Enforcement

AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh The suspected shooter who opened fire on a July 4 Parade in Highland Park, Illinois, killing at least six and wounding 24 more, has been arrested by Chicago law enforcement. During a press conference, Highland Park Police Chief Lou Jogmen announced...

Salon: Exposing Your Kids to Drag Performances ‘a Good Thing’

Salon: Exposing Your Kids to Drag Performances ‘a Good Thing’

Erin Clark/The Boston Globe via Getty Images Drag performances can be a “good thing” to expose children to, according to a recent Salon piece that insists that “drag is for everyone” while claiming young children can be “mature enough” to handle the “language and...