100% BUSTED: Nevada’s Election Fraud EXPOSED
We sent emails to the County Manager, DA, SoS, and ROV. Crickets...Link to...
SCOTUS took interest in my case!
Breaking news in the fight for accountability in government and fair elections. For years, we've seen courts, particularly in Nevada, fall short when it comes to...
Identity Theft Nightmare? Why These Postcards Could Be the Most Dangerous Thing You’ll Mail This Year! And another ROV bites the dust?
So, people keep asking me, "What’s up with these postcards from the Secretary of State and ROV? Why do I need to fill them out and sign?" And honestly... great...
Impossible Election Data Exposed: Will Nevada Officials Show Up to Defend the Truth or Stay Silent?
Alright, folks, buckle up, because we’ve got some serious questions that need answering—questions that make you wonder if we’ve all been living in some kind of weird...
How and WHEN to Vote!
Hey folks, I’ve been bombarded with people asking me how they should vote. My following recommendation is for NEVADA, but since our elections are becoming more and more...
Who does the DA’s office really work for?
I've been quiet for the past month working on numerous things. To all of you that email and text me constantly wondering why I stopped posting, it’s quite simple. I...
100% Proof Our Elections Are Rigged, and They Know It. Now it’s Election Coercion in plain view for all.
A week ago tomorrow, we saw four county commissioners put their interests ahead of yours. The only commissioner who put your interests ahead of their own was Vice Chair...
Impossible to Certify #2 Tuesday: Show Up and Support Clark and Herman
Here we go again! Last Tuesday, three county commissioners refused to vote yes and certify the recent recount.(Read the legal analysis that was shared with us on why...
The ROV Says I Lied
So the gossip around the county is that I lied about what Cari Ann Burgess said during our tour of the ROV. Now telling these people she will never talk to me again....
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