by operationsunlight | Dec 26, 2023 | Beadles Bombs, Legit Elections
Voter rolls are the foundation for all our election metrics. Where we send ballots, how many people vote, what percentage of parties show up, vote, etc. If they are not accurate, if the rolls are not clean, none of the election data we hear on the news or reported at...
by operationsunlight | Dec 18, 2023 | Beadles Bombs
I believe our elections must be legitimate as those who take the seats essentially run our lives and shape our world. Who takes office intimately affects each one of us, our kids, and grandkids. It’s important to me that your vote, and my vote, are counted equally and...
by operationsunlight | Dec 11, 2023 | Beadles Bombs, Legit Elections
This morning, the Supreme Court of Nevada and The Washoe County District Attorney’s Office received my Opening Appellate Brief. You can follow the case here. As you’ll see, I filed the appeal and the initial paperwork on 11/30/23, 9 days after receiving...
by operationsunlight | Dec 5, 2023 | Beadles Bombs, Legit Elections, The Case in One Place
Hey there! Just a brief update for you, I have figured out to the best of my abilities how to properly draft and file the needed Supreme Court Appeal. Much of it was filed last week, and shortly the rest of it will be filed. There is no way if the Justices follow the...
by operationsunlight | Nov 23, 2023 | Beadles Bombs, Legit Elections, Who is Hillary Schieve
Happy Thanksgiving! It’s ironic right, we went to Carson City for oral arguments to argue how we can’t get a fair trial in Carson City, just to show the world we were right. It’s sad really, every election lawsuit that goes to Carson, goes there to die. We’ve seen it...
by operationsunlight | Nov 20, 2023 | Beadles Bombs, Legit Elections, The Case in One Place
First off, thank you to all who came and supported me on our day in court. I truly love and appreciate you all. For all your texts, emails, calls of support, and input, I love you as well. Thank you all for your prayers. I just put my faith in God and put in the work....