You know Edward Solomon, the brilliant non PHD the press loves to slander. They say because he doesn’t have a piece of paper saying he’s smart, he can’t be.
What’s interesting is that the same Edward Solomon, without that fancy piece of paper, just gave a keynote speech to a room filled with PHDs.
Solomon gave his keynote presentation on his mathematical findings, apparently the world’s first, asides from the AI that created it.
Solomon knew that speaking about elections would be too controversial so he instead changed the topic from ballots to stocks.
He showed conclusively that he can with mathematical certainty predict the “markets” rather “elections” as he explained the “math” to the room full of PHDs in Boston.
The keynote is titled, “Closed Form Quaternionic Least squares Regression” he presented at the prestigious AMS (American Mathematical Society) Special Sessions on Quaternions II section of the Joint Mathematics Meetings on January 7, 2023.
The room full of PHDs applauded at this world’s first findings they witnessed him explain and show.
Now if Solomon was full of crap, this room would have destroyed him, yet they are envisioning endless ways to put this new math to work.
This math has countless applications and all of these PHDs just applauded the rigging of the Nevada elections.
What they didn’t realize was everything he said, showed, and proved was that our elections are rigged.
The same Solomon who, with myself, met with now ROV Rodriguez and County Manager Eric Brown and explained how the elections are rigged.
This room full of PHDs proves it as well. What did Brown and Rodriguez do about what we showed them? Mock and slander myself and Solomon. These two know the elections are rigged, as do every single PHD who have taken our $80,000 in challenges.
Brown and Rodriguez are allowing your and my votes to be stolen.
Don’t take my word for it. The proof again is right here from Boston’s most prestigious gathering, made up of the world’s smartest PHDs all witnessed it as well.
By simply changing the words from ballots to stocks, look at how open-minded and truthful people are.
Solomon’s math is undefeated, thus proving our elections are rigged, and Brown and Rodriguez are allowing it to happen.
Is this why they fail to respond to our information requests? Is this why they work hand in glove with the local propaganda papers to slander us vs. fully address the issues, not speak in half-truths?
You’re smart enough to know I have zero reason to lie to you. Let’s face it they only attack and slander me because we expose the truth, the truth shows how many of these people attacking us are frauds. I’m happy building business empires, not working for free, and spending millions on telling you what you already suspect. Hopefully, rather than telling you, the time and time again proof we show you is enough to start really calling out the traitors destroying our county vs. letting it happen.
Brown and Rodriguez need to be fired.
This is how Hartung and Hill, and many others took office.
Here’s the keynote speech in front of the world’s smartest PHDs:
Here’s his presentation:
We’ve been right from the beginning. What’s keeping you from calling these traitors out? Are you scared of being called names?
You should be scared of what will happen to everything you love and hold dear if you don’t.
The next election will be here before you know it. Let’s clean this mess up now. If not, well, I guess get out the marshmallows while it all burns down.