Is Mariluz Bangin Your Man too?

As reported by The Nevada Globe, Mariluz “bangin your man too” Garcia has allegedly been having sex with Oscar Delgado.

Delgado recently stepped down from the Reno City Council however, Mariluz is still thrusting forward with her run for county commissioner district 3.

Delgado has paraded Mariluz around the county, looking for further support for her run for office.

It’s alleged Garcia is renting in district 3, so she can run for office, while her home is located outside the district.

In her dissertation paper, she comes off as very pro-socialist or communist and further pushes CRT?

So, a simple question.

Aren’t politics in Washoe dirty enough without adding more filth?

For the love of God why would anyone in their right mind support or vote for Mariluz “Bangin Your Man Too” Garcia?

So Mariluz is a possible commie, supported by the George Soros crew who has no problem wrecking homes, rents to be in our district and God only knows what else?

Sick thought, imagine her bangin Soros too… I’ll puke now.

(Image care of Getty Images and Marketwatch)

Again I ask,

For the love of God why would anyone in their right mind support or vote for Mariluz “Bangin Your Man Too” Garcia?

Let’s not.

Let’s support the incredible Denise Myer regardless of what you identify as, she will do right by us. We need to clean up this county, not further bang it away.

Vote Denise Myer, do it for yourself if no one else.



Talk about another turd….

These thoughts, statements, and opinions are my own, not of any club, committee, organization, etc.

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