Well, the people’s victory was short-lived.

Clara The Clown just can’t stop screwing us over.

What do I mean? Clara Andriola finally does the right thing, finally votes with the conservatives, and then…

She buckles to pressure from her handlers and is now bringing back the vote to certify the recount!

It’s total cowardice.

The proof that the election was manipulated has not been addressed. The proof of issues has not been investigated. She will get up there this coming Tuesday and make her usual waffling statements, claiming everything is now fine, just as she has done before. Then, she will fail us yet again. She will certify the recount.

It’s disgusting. Rather than do what is right and stay the course, she buckled as soon as her handlers threatened to cut her off.

What a coward. I take back all the praise I gave her yesterday. I, of all people, should know better; these people just can’t stop screwing us all over. They continue to serve themselves rather than the people.

Regardless, the cat is out of the bag, the election was 100% rigged, the evidence is here: https://operationsunlight.com/2024/07/08/impossible-to-certify-we-must-have-a-new-election-heres-why/

She will now certify the fraud.

What happens next?

People are asking what’s next. I would imagine you might see lawsuits and motions to existing cases to show these elections are corrupt and every legal voter is being disenfranchised along the way.

Share the reports with the county commissioners, sheriff, DA, governor, legislature, media, friends, and family, and show them using the county’s own data that our elections are rigged and we must have a new election.

This BS has to end. Speak out and share ASAP.


These thoughts, statements, and opinions are my own, not of any club, committee, organization, etc.

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