Do you find it odd that NO Democrats are running for County Commissioner District 4?


Could you imagine the Dems not running for total dominance alongside Hill and Garcia with another Dem?

In what world would they not run a Dem for this seat?

Or are they, just under the Republican brand?

Did you find it odd that yesterday we showed that the Democrat machine known as Changing Dynamics or Sutton Management is running ads and mailers for Clara The Clown Andriola?

Now, today we show you that “Conservatives For Clara” is funded by “Every Eligible Nevadan.”

See for yourself here:

I wonder what Gov. Lombardo thinks about his name and endorsement being used by Dems for Clara The Clown? But I digress…

Here is the address for “Every Eligible Nevadan” as shown on their new PAC filing with the Nevada Secretary of State. Notice they share the same address as numerous Democratic PACs in Washington D.C.?

Now let’s look at the registration form for “Every Eligible Nevadan” on the Secretary of State’s website.

What do we see?

It’s run by Owen Berger.

Who’s Owen Berger?

Owen appears to be a political consultant for the Democrats.

Why would a Washington DC-based Democrat PAC be running ads, mailers, and propaganda for an appointed Republican Washoe County Commissioner in Nevada? Something doesn’t add up if Clara is really a conservative Republican like all the propaganda states. If she’s really a Republican, why are there no Democrat challengers for her seat?

Why are Democrats pumping huge money into her campaign?

Remember yesterday when I said…Well, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it might just be a duck, or in this case, one clownish Democrat parading as a Republican. That sure would explain her voting record, now wouldn’t it?

It sure seems to everyone who’s looking, that Clara The Clown Andriola just very well could be a Democrat!

Her supporters are RINOs and Democrats, I think they have a pretty good idea who she is, and by now you should too.

Share this everywhere. Let’s send this appointed Clown back to Rodeo to clown for the bulls there…



Don’t forget Freedom Friday is this Friday! RSVP today, don’t delay, we’re almost out of room! Brace yourself for a powerful presentation by the great Paul White. I guarantee Beth Smith and her cronies at the WCSD don’t want you to see this!

Great food, people, and times, and always free, see you Friday!

Location & Time:
BoomTown Casino Biggest Event Room they have!
5pm – 8pm-ish
Friday 5/24/24

RSVP Here:

See you soon!

These thoughts, statements, and opinions are my own, not of any club, committee, organization, etc.

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