Well folks, if you attended yesterday’s board meeting, you would have witnessed a glaring example of how six of the school board trustees seemingly disregard our concerns. A huge thank you to everyone who showed up and voiced their concerns about this apparent lack of responsibility among the trustees. Love ya.

Now, Jeff Church is the only trustee I see making efforts to improve the education system for our children, focusing on meaningful issues rather than exacerbating problems.

What does Jeff receive in return? He is ruthlessly attacked and slandered by the 6 board members, interrupted, marginalized, and subjected to attempts to undermine his character, tarnish his reputation, and sabotage his prospects for a successful re-election campaign. Consequently, it’s no surprise that the board unanimously (6-0) ruled against him. What was the subject of their ruling?

The first decision (6-0) involved allocating $500,000 of our children’s funds to legally target Jeff Church. They falsely accuse Jeff of suing the school board for significant reasons, when in fact he is merely requesting a judge to compel them to release public records—a request known as a writ of mandamus.

In the second decision (6-0), they chose not to investigate the allegations and anonymous accusers against Jeff Church. It makes sense when you think about it. Why would those with questionable intentions want their actions investigated?

It’s important to note that Jeff abstained from both votes, resulting in the 6-0 outcomes instead of 6-1. Additionally, what Death Smith failed to allow Jeff Church to disclose was the identity of the actual whistleblower and how they purportedly can demonstrate that the two false accusers collaborated with a senior official in the WCSD to frame Jeff Church.

Who is this senior official or officials 🙂 what did they do? Conspire to do? Try to conceal and cover-up? Fear not, I have a feeling it will all come out very soon.


This situation is far from over, and it’s a stark reminder that accountability and justice must be prioritized. The era of incompetence or corruption within the WCSD must end. The appearance of a pattern of falsely accusing a board member, concealing their identity behind anonymity and whistleblower protections, being exposed, creating a $500,000 legal defense fund to combat their misdeeds, and then using their voting power and the board to block any investigation needs to stop and be criminally investigated.

Where is law enforcement by the way?

Similarly, Death Smith’s tenure as President of the school board must end in the next election. Her new moniker reflects the perceived death of our children’s education system, along with a lack of transparency and accountability in board actions.

Are you ready to vote her out yet? Mama bears and Grandma bears, let’s unite. It’s time we show all these board members, except Jeff Church, the door in the upcoming elections!

For evidence of the madness that unfolded yesterday, watch the entire event here:



These thoughts, statements, and opinions are my own, not of any club, committee, organization, etc.

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