In this post, I’m not going to waste your time showing you numbers, videos, etc., that show our elections are being stolen and how there’s $80,000 to prove me wrong that is still undefeated.

Instead, I am going to show you how County Manager Eric Brown appears to be rigging the elections, on purpose or out of idiocracy, and if County Commissioner Andriola votes for Eric Brown’s ROV, she is committing political suicide.

A little background for you: we are on Registrar of Voters #4 in 2 years. They have all been seemingly unqualified to be our ROV, and instead of giving us a legitimate, skilled, ethical, moral ROV who will give us a lawful election. He is now, again, trying to give us what appears to be a highly unqualified candidate for ROV.

I will not fully disclose the records you are about to see for her privacy. If you want these records in full, they are all available via public record requests as well as online portals and good old-fashioned research. So with that said, here we go.

The ROV (Registrar of Voters) is the most important job in the County. They are the ones who are to ensure your voice via your vote is counted legally. This vote of yours is pretty much the only peaceful way you can effect change in your county.

The ROV our County Manager Eric Brown is trying to install, hidden in a 13-item block vote, is Cari Ann Lefler Alleman Burgess.

Who is Cari Ann Lefler Alleman Burgess?

Witnesses state she lived in Minnesota; she divorced in 2019 after 22 years of marriage, and she has 3 children. She states her income at $30,000 or less per year. She takes 2 of her children to live in Utah with family. Her kids hate Utah, she meets Shane Burgess, and they move back to Minnesota.

So far, so good, right? Could be any one of us; hell, you even feel bad for her. Hell, she may even be a good person, or maybe she’s not?

Now, in her divorce records, she tries to find her ex-husband in contempt of court for nonpayment of a property award and in contempt for non-payment of a debt to Affinity Plus. Basically, she’s asking the court to jail her ex-husband. The Court denies both her requests. So what, right?

Witnesses say she was mostly unemployed, holding a few short-term “menial” jobs during the 22 years.

We’re told the closest thing to a management position she’s ever held was ordering and scooping ice cream! I wish I was making this up for laughs, but I’m dead serious.

When contacting people who know Cari Ann Lefler Alleman Burgess, they state they would never hire her, nor would recommend hiring her.

What some said is that she speaks well, but that they are the furthest from impressed by her.

Now, via a public records request, we obtained her resume, and what Grand Rapids, Minnesota’s ROV office states her position and time at the job was.

HR states she was an “elections/licensing specialist” for a year and a half. In her attached resume, it contradicts what witnesses say, as she has held a few positions for a couple of years, others for a couple of months, but definitely not the 4 years of experience running elections our ROV position requires, and most of these positions are highly unrelated to elections at all.

Then she moves to Carson City around April of last year, possibly working for the Douglas County Elections in some capacity. (Douglas County has not returned our information requests yet). So we can’t confirm what she did there, and for how long of a time, if at all. Regardless, even if she did work there as a Deputy ROV, it still would have been less than 5 or 6 months. Again, a far cry from the required experience.

Fast forward to November of last year (2 months ago), she moves to Reno and is brought on to the Washoe County Register of Voters office. After 2 months of being at the Washoe ROV, Eric Brown is dead set on making her the new ROV.

2 months!

Now a simple background check into her financial records additionally shows 2 judgments against her. This doesn’t bode well for financial security, typically a red flag when being pushed to the most important job in the county.

Then when we look to her required college degrees, she doesn’t appear to have the required 4-year bachelor’s degree. At least according to her own resume. Witnesses say she didn’t even graduate, but her resume states she has an AA, not the required BA.

Why is Eric Brown so insistent on Cari Ann Lefler Alleman Burgess running our elections?

Why does Eric Brown continue to dismiss highly ethical and qualified candidates for the ROV position?

If Eric Brown is not purposely rigging our elections, he appears to through idiocracy. We must demand that we have ethical, qualified election specialists.

Eric Brown and Kate Thomas, the assistant county manager, AKA Bob Lucey‘s on-call booty-call, continue to fill the ROV with their people, who are the furthest from qualified for the positions. Why?

How is it there was no background check or reference check done on Cari Ann Lefler Alleman Burgess? If there was, how is it then that they are ethically putting her forward to be our next ROV, hidden in a 13-item block vote this Tuesday?

Folks, you can’t make this crap up; this sure looks like a rigged game. If it wasn’t, these people would appoint Tracey Hilton Thomas, who has over 20 years of experience running our Washoe County elections. Instead, they dismiss her; why? She called out Brown’s b.s to law enforcement!

Since then, it appears she’s been totally dismissed by the County as a candidate for ROV.

Commissioner Clark, Herman, and Andriola can save us on Tuesday by voting NO to Cari Ann Lefler Alleman Burgess, and yes to opening up the interview process for a qualified ROV. It’s that simple.

Just so you get the idea of how underqualified Cari Ann Lefler Alleman Burgess is, here are the qualifications for ROV:

Notice, she appears to meet NONE of the qualifications! (Unless they try to get cute and play word games.)

So even if we give her the benefit of the doubt and play devil’s advocate with our witnesses, and say she was the queen of elections in Minnesota and Douglas County, she still appears to not have the 4 years of experience or a BA degree, and so on!

Folks, she may be the greatest gal in the world, but she appears to be far from qualified to run our elections!

If Commissioner Andriola votes for Cari Ann Lefler Alleman Burgess after this all becomes public information, no excuses can be made further for her; it’s proof she’s a bad guy-gal.

So how do we save this?

Peacefully demand Commissioner Andriola votes no on block item 12, no to making Cari Ann Lefler Alleman Burgess the interim ROV. Vote yes to initiate the interview process for a qualified ROV, OR simply RE-HIRE Tracy Hilton Thomas to run our elections lawfully!

Below are snippets of public records; again, all of these are available online or through conducting reference checks and talking with acquaintances, ex-coworkers, etc.

See you TODAY!! TUESDAY 1/16/24

10 AM

1001 East 9th Street, Reno

Come peacefully and speak your mind!

Peacefully tell Andriola, No to the block vote of agenda item 12. No to Cari Ann Lefler Alleman Burgess as interim ROV. Yes to opening the interview process for qualified ROV’s, OR YES to re-hiring Tracey Hilton Thomas as our ROV.

Yes to agenda item 6, make VC Commissioner Herman, our Chair!

And of course, YES to firing Eric Brown!

Snippets here:

Public Records Request Fullfilled by:

These thoughts, statements, and opinions are my own, not of any club, committee, organization, etc.

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