Must Read & Share: Treason

The Case In One Place: CV23-01341

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Hey folks, I’ll keep this brief as I have many filings to create and need to get back to work, but for the thousands of you asking for an update, here it is.

The Supreme Court of Nevada got it wrong, so I will be appealing.

There, end of post.

Okay, okay, I’ll give you more. Basically, they say that the defendants have no duty to respond to my redress of grievances, that I sent my grievances to the wrong place, that Rubber Stamp Russell, the Carson City Judge, was within his right to kill my motion to move my case to an unbiased court and that since the defendants didn’t have to respond to me, my facts don’t matter.

Is it at all convenient the ruling comes after hit piece after hit piece comes out on me? Does it at all seem orchestrated? You tell me.

What I know is they severely got it wrong, they mostly hang their hat on saying I shouldn’t have sued in court; I should have filed my grievances with the secretary of state’s office. Well, that’s funny because I did. Numerous times. Did they just ignore all the exhibits showing I filed my grievances to no remedy or response from the SOS, or did they simply make this huge oversight by mistake? You tell me.

Regardless, if I don’t appeal this, it literally means court orders in Nevada are worthless, public servants have no duty to redress our grievances, follow the laws, and we the people have zero recourse to any of it. It means we no longer have a constitution or America.

I’m not exaggerating; if they simply read the exhibits and looked through the filings, they would see that I overcome their objections, and by ruling against me, they have ruled against us all. We now have selective enforcement of laws if this stands. Anyone celebrating this is blind to the fact that if they can do this to me, they can do this to all of you for anything at any time. If our laws are only for some and not for all, this is no longer America, and Nevada has clearly fallen.

By now you know me, there is no quit in me. I will appeal, I will put in the work and leave the rest to God. As to the Nevada Supreme Court, read their ruling here, and pray they do the right thing next time by simply following the law. Once I overcome the conclusions they based their decision on, they should reverse their ruling.

At this point, I’m chalking up their decision to a busy workload and a simple mistake, if after I appeal to them showing them the errors and if they still rule against me, well then you know for sure it was no mistake and they have fallen.

I hope to praise them soon for doing the right thing, pray they will, if not, well, our founders’ greatest fear has come to pass, the “perversion and politicization of the courts”.

I’m going back to work now, I’ll update you more on this once they are all filed.


Here is a link to all the Supreme Court documents for this case.

Here’s their current decision:

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