Is “Lefty Lying Lungar” Lyngar breaking campaign finance rules-laws?

Washoe County received this text from a Lyngar “volunteer.”

Notice there is no “paid for by” at the bottom of the text?

Here he says he sent this one himself a week ago.

These are a big no-no, we’re told. 

We’re told it’s illegal.

It would be a shame for all of you to report this potentially illegal, intrusive abuse upon us here:

The question is, did Lyngar pay for this?

Did his campaign?

Or did his buddy Nazi George Soros and their pals pay for this?

Don’t you want to know?

I know I do.

That’s why it’s so important we know who funds these disinformation campaigns.

Here’s the form link again for you.



Here’s where Hillary has been Hide’n, share everywhere

These thoughts, statements, and opinions are my own, not of any club, committee, organization, etc.

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