We saw Friday the same 3 Justices—Stiglich, Pickering, and Parraguirre—who ruled with Rubber Stamp Russell against me and then denied my NRAP Rule 40 Petition For Rehearing with ZERO explanation as to why. They just gave us all the middle finger.

So today, I took my last swing at the ball in the NVSC. I filed my NRAP Rule 40A Petition For En Banc Reconsideration.

If granted, all 7 justices would reconsider my case.

I have yet to talk to a single attorney or judge who’s read my filings who can believe Justices Stiglich, Pickering, and Parraguirre ruled against me. They were dumbfounded by Rubber Stamp Russell and his ruling, but when Justices Stiglich, Pickering, and Parraguirre didn’t even grant leave to amend, they said the three justices are political whores in dresses versus keepers of justice in robes.

These titans of the justice system who read my pleadings were more pissed than me. I just laughed at the corruption; it’s in plain view for all to see from top to bottom. What else can I do but laugh when it gets that bad?

I’m just a traveler here in the court systems, passing through, navigating the corruption best I can, while these titans live here and across our country. Watch what happens—they said they’ve had enough of the lawlessness and absurd case law being created because of sellout judges.

I look forward to what they do and expose.

Anyway, I digress.

Bottom line, this is my last attempt and the NVSC’s last chance to simply follow the law and do their job.

If they do, we all win.

It’s impossible I lose if the law is followed. Impossible in a fair, just court, period.

So if Chief Justice Elissa F. Cadish, Justice Linda Marie Bell, Justice Douglas Herndon, and Justice Patricia Lee decide to follow the suit of Stiglich, Pickering, and Parraguirre, then I’ll have strike 3 in the NVSC and will be off to the United States Supreme Court.

There, SCOTUS can decide to take the case or not. If they do, they can rule on what the past courts did and decide my case’s legal fate.

All I can do is my best and leave the rest to God.

Say some prayers for Chief Justice Elissa F. Cadish, Justice Linda Marie Bell, Justice Douglas Herndon, and Justice Patricia Lee to simply do their jobs.

Will it be strike 3, or will I get a single, double, triple, home run, or grand slam?

We’ll all see soon enough.

Read my NRAP Rule 40A Petition For En Banc Reconsideration here:

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