Remember the post I did a while back where I talked about mail thieves breaking into mailboxes and stealing ballots? 

Well, guess what happened in Somersett in Reno on Sunday?

That’s right, the mail was stolen, were ballots in there too?

We’re told people pay over $25 per ballot! Is that incentive or is that incentive in these crazy inflated times? People hurting for cash, stealing mail, and selling ballots, that then will be used to put the same people in office who are hurting them and their families. Talk about insane.

So when are these COVID measures going to end? The ones they used to usher through ballots to everyone by mail? Ballots picked up by anyone and voted? AB321 and legislation is what it’s called.

When will people peacefully demand our voting rights be secured? Folks, you don’t have to be a Libertarian or Republican to see how insane our elections and the process are, even the Dems are saying it.

It’s time ballots are only mailed to those in the military, indefinitely confined, or those who request it.

Mail theft like this is just one of a thousand reasons why we need to remove all the COVID-crap regulations like mass mailing of ballots and mass harvesting of ballots that they left in our elections.

Who of you will start to petition the legislation and or sue to end this madness of AB321 and its spinoffs?


These thoughts, statements, and opinions are my own, not of any club, committee, organization, etc.

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