Must Read & Share: Treason

The Case In One Place: CV23-01341

On this day, June 22, 1775, the Continental Congress issued the first currency of the United States, a demonstration of the colonists’ shared struggle and determination for independence. This event underlines the accountability and representation that the early leaders owed to their people.

Today, we observe a worrying parallel in the form of the apparent lack of authentic representation in our current leadership. In the days of the revolution, the people felt betrayed by their leaders, who paid them lip service but acted in favor of King George III’s interests. The phrase “No taxation without representation” was not merely a slogan; it was a deeply felt sentiment that fueled the flames of rebellion.

Our founding fathers, understanding the dangers of such a disconnect, established a representative government in which the power derives from the people. They envisioned a nation where leaders would be directly accountable to the citizens, not distant monarchs or self-serving interests.

Regrettably, we find ourselves in a time where many of our leaders seem to be more influenced by powerful lobbies, special interests, and their own political careers rather than the will and welfare of the people they represent.

However, let us remember, once we save our elections, that the power to select our leaders rests with us. Our vote, our voice, and our vigilant involvement in the election process can bring about change. As John Quincy Adams wisely advised, “Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone.”

To Be Continued…


These thoughts, statements, and opinions are my own, not of any club, committee, organization, etc.

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