Paul White and his team at the Education Crusade are shedding light on the unsafe and dysfunctional conditions in our schools. They are speaking directly with teachers and students to uncover the truth about the state of our education system.
Despite the constant reassurances from trustees and superintendents that our schools are “incredible,” the reality is that they are “incredibly awful.” The question remains, why do these officials cover up these issues, and who are they protecting? It is worth investigating if trustees have profited from the chaos in our schools.
The fact of the matter is that our schools are in a state of disarray, and something needs to be done to fix them for the sake of our children and teachers. There is no point in continuing to send our students and teachers to schools where they are not safe and not receiving an effective education.
On Wednesday, Paul White and some of his team will be releasing a report on their findings from 20 different schools, representing over 30% of all the WCSD schools. Paul has a plan and the resources to fix these schools, but it remains to be seen if the current leaders will implement it.
Many trustees may believe they are personally safe from lawsuits, but the truth is that lawsuits are coming that will reveal the true extent of the problems in our schools and the liability of the officials who tried to cover it up.
Good luck to these people trying to stay personally out of the lawsuits. If you or your family have been affected by the WCSD, we encourage you to reach out to Paul directly for help. It’s time for us as a community to stand up and demand change. Let’s not wait for enough of us to say “enough” – let’s take action now.
Details are here:
Confidential Hotline: What’s going on at YOUR school? 775-685-8200 _____________________________________________________
Wednesday, January 18, 2023 – 10:00 a.m.
LOCATION: Sparks Middle School – 2275 18th St. – Sparks (Across the street from the main entrance)
Contact: Paul White – (775) 685.8200 _______________________________________________________
“Washoe County schools are MUCH too far gone to be fixed.
The existing WCSD system – and those who are responsible for running it, need to be crushed and removed COMPLETELY…and our school district needs to be totally rebuilt….” (High School Staff Member)
- “Teachers are physically and verbally abused daily.” ” I’m afraid to come to school.” “We are in a crisis and need help – NOW!” (Middle school and High School staff members)
- “Classes are chaotic with almost NO learning.” ” 40% of the students are using drugs in-class and everywhere, all day.”
- “Daily violent fighting goes on everywhere; students are afraid to use the bathrooms.” (Multiple Middle School AND High School staff, students, and parents.)
- “Gang members are running our school!” (Multiple high school staff and students) ______________________________________________________________________
School reform group Education Crusade (EC) will hold its Final Summary of Findings press conference this Wednesday, January 18 at 10:00 a.m. , across the street from Sparks Middle School (2275 18th Street – Sparks)
Joined by community members and parents of WCSD students, Education Crusade will share facts and incidents gathered first-hand over the past 2 months from 20 different high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools, representing over 30% of ALL the WCSD schools.
Education Crusade’s report will include their consistent findings regarding
- The total lack of learning taking place in most classes
- Daily physical and verbal abuse of teachers and staff
- Daily on-campus drug use and absence rates of over 40%
- The growing amount of daily fights, injuries, and gang-related violence
- The total INABILITY of even ONE WCSD Principal to enforce the laws and control their school
- The total UNWILLINGNESS of EVERY School Board member AND the Superintendent to even acknowledge that this crisis exists
The Press Conference will conclude with Education Crusade providing information on its next step: the solutions they are offering to WCSD to solve these problems.
If you haven’t heard from these courageous teachers, hear and see them now: