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The Case In One Place: CV23-01341

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks stated that it would be a good thing if the Supreme Court ignored public opinion on Roe v. Wade in coming to a decision on abortion because the Supreme Court’s job is “to look at what’s in the Constitution and make a decision.” And “that part, I think they did absolutely right” in the draft opinion on Roe that was recently leaked.

Brooks stated, “Well, setting aside this particular issue, I’d be proud that the Supreme Court ignored public opinion. That’s their job. Their job is to look at what’s in the Constitution and make a decision. So, that part, I think they did absolutely right. The second part of your poll was — showed how, while people want to keep Roe, they also are very moderate or somewhere in the middle on what restrictions they want to see on abortion and that, as Lisa said the other night, somewhere between 15 and 22 weeks is where most people would like to see some sort of restrictions come in. I’m very curious to see if there’s a single state that gets there. Because the parties are so incredibly polarized on this issue.”

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The post Brooks: SCOTUS Is Supposed to Look at Constitution, Not Public Opinion, and Roe Draft Got That ‘Absolutely Right’ appeared first on Breitbart.

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