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The Case In One Place: CV23-01341

There’s no mulligan for attempted murder.

A tranquil Palm Beach County golf course exploded in gunfire Sunday after a 74-year-old member allegedly shot a man for walking his dog on the greens — as other retirees gawked from their balconies, according to police.

Robert Levine, originally from New York and now living in Florida, is facing attempted murder raps after confronting Herbert Merritt, 64, at the Kings Point golf course in Delray Beach.

Levine was puttering along in his golf cart when he spotted Merritt walking a pooch close to the course grounds, according to a police report.

Levine sped his vehicle up to Merritt and began berating him for the offense before pulling out a black handgun, authorities said.

Merritt took off running and tried to take cover near a course tree while Levine gave chase on foot and squeezed off several rounds.

Merritt eventually went down at the 15th hole after being struck in the ankle, cops said.

Levine then allegedly returned to his golf cart, retrieved a club and began clobbering Merritt as he writhed on the ground, the report stated.

One witness saw the chaos unfold from his balcony overlooking the course and called the police. He told officers that he saw Levine kick Merritt in the head at one point.

Another woman said she was relaxing in bed when she heard the gunfire pop near the rear of her residence. She claimed she came out and saw Levine firing at Merritt.

The witness said she also saw Levine bashing his victim with a club in one hand and the firearm in the other.

Kings Point golf course shooting
Levine was in his golf cart when he spotted Merritt walking a dog close to the course grounds.

Responding officers arrived to find Levine standing over Merritt on the course with four 9mm shell casings nearby.

Merritt was taken to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Levine was also taken in for evaluation after suffering an unrelated medical episode at the scene.

Police said they recovered a 9mm pistol from Levine, who remains hospitalized.

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The post 74-year-old golfer shoots man for walking his dog on Palm Beach course appeared first on Citizen Free Press.

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