Mexican authorities detained five Honduran migrants trying to make their way north with fake travel documents.
The case took place this week in the southwestern part of the state, near the town of Tula, Tamaulipas. The migrants were traveling in a passenger bus when they pulled up to a checkpoint.
At the checkpoint, the five Honduran migrants presented a series of travel documents claiming to have obtained them in the southern part of Mexico. However, agents with Mexico’s National Immigration Institute (INM) were able to determine that the documents were false.
The migrants were only identified as three adults and two minors. During questioning, the migrants told authorities they purchased the documents. Breitbart Texas consulted with Tamaulipas law enforcement who revealed that they noticed a trend of migrants traveling through Mexico with false paperwork. There is a backlog in the issuance of travel and immigration documents, leading to a market for well-made forgeries.
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