Laredo Marine Unit agents rescue a migrant male from drowning in the Rio Grande. (U.S. Border Patrol/Laredo Sector)
U.S. Border Patrol/Laredo Sector

Laredo Sector Marine Unit agents rescued a drowning migrant struggling to cross the Rio Grande illegally from Mexico into Texas.

Marine Unit agents patrolling the Rio Grande on Sunday near Laredo, Texas, observed a migrant struggling as he attempted to illegally cross the border from Mexico. Laredo Sector Chief Patrol Agent Carl E. Landrum tweeted photos showing the rescued migrant in the agents’ boat.


“Agents quickly deployed a buoy flotation device that he was able to grasp and allowed the agents to pull him aboard their vessel,” Landrum tweeted.

A few days earlier, Laredo Sector Marine Units patrolling Falcon Lake observed a man struggling after apparently falling out of a canoe. The agents pulled their boat alongside the struggling man and pulled him to safety, Chief Landrum tweeted.


Many are not as fortunate when they attempt to cross the Rio Grande.

On Tuesday, Breitbart Texas’ Randy Clark reported the drownings of six migrants in a two-day period near Eagle Pass, Texas. The drownings included four adult migrants, a 14-year-old girl, and an infant, Clark reported.

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The post Agents Rescue Drowning Migrant from Texas Border River appeared first on Breitbart.

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