RHINO (RIINO) action figure
Courtesy of Austen “Fleccas” Fletcher

Podcaster Austen “Fleccas” Fletcher told Breitbart News in an interview on Saturday that he created a “culture collectible” to commemorate Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) being a “RINO,” for the “America First patriotic audience who isn’t quite yet ready for NFTs” but wants something to remember this moment in time.

Fleccas, who hosts the Fleccas Talks podcast, told Breitbart News that he created the culture collectible rhino action figure of Crenshaw after a feud started between the two. While the congressman was on The Daily podcast, he said the “establishment” doesn’t want him to “rise” too quickly, referring to the “wannabe social media influencers, the radio hosts, [and] the podcasters,” which Fleccas interpreted as a slight against him — and argued that Crenshaw’s definition of “establishment” does not make sense.

The podcaster noted that he doesn’t have hard feelings toward Crenshaw and has only used his name a handful of times in the last ten podcasts, but he believes the congressman is a RINO, so he created a collectible item that is a rhino wearing an eye patch. Fleccas noted that many people agree that Crenshaw “is the next generation of establishment RINO rising up … [and] is eager to get us into more endless wars.”


When asked what he would tell Crenshaw, he said, “He’s on the road to becoming the next John McCain. And he has so much potential and has the in. … He’s a smart guy. We just wish he would become a more America-first-focused person and focus on the problems that Americans are facing. Don’t get us into more endless wars. Stop selling the country out. Stop siding with the people who do.” He added that, while he does not want to escalate anything between the two of them, Fleccas wanted to have a “gag gift” and note it is “frustrating” to see the congressman talk down to others since he’s in a position of power, and has a large platform.

“And even just in the last few weeks, he was saying how, you know, we need to help Ukraine, and there’s only Russian propaganda out right now,” Fleccas continued to say about the congressman. “But he himself tweeted, the ghost of Ukraine, the Snake Island story, and the woman giving the soldier sunflower seeds story, which have all been proven false. So he was actually promoting propaganda himself.”


Fleccas acknowledged that the collectible is to create a “timestamp” for the America First people that want to “take back the culture and start replacing it with things that we like instead of just watching it deteriorate and get destroyed by the people that hate us.”

He added that they are meant to be ironic collectibles, like the one he created of “Hillary Clinton Receptacle Van action figure” to commemorate when the failed presidential nominee collapsed at the 9/11 memorial ceremony in New York in 2016. “They’re not meant to be played with. They’re just collectibles for the American first patriotic audience who isn’t quite yet ready for NFTs, but they are nostalgic and do like collectibles.”

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