Alright, folks, buckle up, because we’ve got some serious questions that need answering—questions that make you wonder if we’ve all been living in some kind of weird Twilight Zone episode where democracy just glitches out, and nobody bats an eye. On October 11th at Boomtown, we’re hosting Freedom Friday, and we’ve invited some special guests: the Washoe County ROV (that’s the Registrar of Voters for you out-of-the-loop types), the District Attorney’s office, and the Secretary of State. Why? Because there’s some funky stuff going on in their data, and it’s about time they show up and explain themselves. Will they actually show? Eh, don’t hold your breath.

Now, here’s the kicker: their certified data—you know, the stuff they swear to under penalty of perjury—shows something so mind-boggling, it’s like discovering all the flavors of ice cream taste the same. Two of the largest counties in Nevada, separated by a whole state, apparently had all their precincts voting nearly identically. Really? What are the odds of that? It’s like flipping a coin and getting heads a thousand times in a row. And yet, crickets. No one’s stepping up to explain.

Then there’s the issue with Republican ballots mysteriously flipping to Democrat votes in the cast vote records. You’re telling me that’s normal? If this is how our “most legitimate elections ever” look, I’d hate to see what an illegitimate one looks like.

Let’s not forget the magical power of three precincts. That’s right, they want us to believe that by knowing the results from three, you can somehow figure out how all the precincts voted. What is this, a Jedi mind trick? The data doesn’t lie, but nobody from their side seems to want to address it.

So here we are, inviting the SOS, ROV, and DA to come and finally set the record straight. But will they? Or will it be more of the same? Silence, evasion, and hoping we all forget about it by the time November rolls around. If their data is as rock-solid as they claim, wouldn’t they want to show up and explain? You’d think, right? But if they no-show, what does that tell us? It tells us they’re scared of the truth—because if what we’re seeing is accurate, it means our elections are completely and utterly compromised. And that, my friends, is no small deal.

We’re not asking for much—just clarity. Edward Solomon is going to be there, laying out his findings, all based on their certified data. He’s not making this stuff up. This is what they swear is true and correct. The SOS and ROV have the chance to either refute it or confirm that we’ve got some serious issues to deal with. But so far, it’s been radio silence from these guys.

Let’s not forget, these are the same folks who bullied the county commissioners into certifying the recount canvass—under threat of prosecution, removal from office, and fines. No one had their backs. Not law enforcement, not the courts, nobody in power but we the people. Only Mighty Mouse, Vice Chair Jeanne Herman stood up for us. And now, the SOS, ROV and DA are asking us to trust them again in November, during one of the most critical elections in our nation’s history? Yeah, right.

So, if you’re tired of being kept in the dark, if you’re ready for some answers, come to Freedom Friday on October 11th at Boomtown. Doors open at 5 PM, and we’re running the show until 7 or 8—depending on whether the SOS, ROV, and DA feel like showing up. Edward Solomon will present what their data says, and we’ll see if they have the guts to show up and defend it.

Will they come and clarify the mess they’ve created, or will they keep doing what they do best—ducking, dodging, and hoping you forget? If they no-show, it’s going to be pretty damn hard to trust anything they say from here on out. We’ve got their data, and if they expect us to believe in this election system, they better show up and explain it.

And hey, press people, this one’s for you too. You’ve been way too quiet on this, calling us “right-wing wackadoos” for simply showing what the county and state themselves certify as true. Will you finally cover the other side of the story, or is silence your only play?

RSVP now, because once the room’s full, it’s full. Dinners included as well, for free, as always. This is a moment we can’t let slip by. See you on October 11th at Boomtown—let’s get some answers, for once.

10/11 Boomtown
Doors open at 5pm

These thoughts, statements, and opinions are my own, not of any club, committee, organization, etc.

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