What do we mean by had enough?
Had enough of our votes not counting?
Had enough of no transparency?
Had enough of CRT forced on our kids?
Had enough of mask mandates?
Had enough of vax mandates?
Had enough of lockdowns?
Had enough of open borders?
Had enough of no term limits?
Had enough of a corrupt media?
Had enough of big tech corruption?
Had enough of corrupt institutions?
Had enough of failed monetary policies?
Had enough of failed leaders?
Had enough of being sold out?
Had enough taxes?
Had enough of endless wars?
Had enough of your voice not being heard?
Had enough of unelected officials controlling your lives?
Had enough of our Constitution being trampled?
Had enough of your life, liberty, pursuit of happiness being trampled by the government?
Had enough of our votes not counting?
Had enough of no transparency?
Had enough of CRT forced on our kids?
Had enough of mask mandates?
Had enough of vax mandates?
Had enough of lockdowns?
Had enough of open borders?
Had enough of no term limits?
Had enough of a corrupt media?
Had enough of big tech corruption?
Had enough of corrupt institutions?
Had enough of failed monetary policies?
Had enough of failed leaders?
Had enough of failed policies?
Had enough of being sold out?
Had enough taxes?
Had enough of endless wars?
Had enough of your voice not being heard?
Had enough of unelected officials controlling your lives?
Had enough of our Constitution being trampled?
Had enough? Get the idea?
The Vision
We must restore our rights, choices and accountability through getting personally involved and staying there to ensure they are restored and kept. Join here:

The Mission
For too long we have been let down by too many. It is time we get involved in things that matter and affect us the most. Through God and our peaceful actions we must restore our rights, choices and accountability to every level of government, industry and society. In doing so we can protect our current and future generations by making America great again and a true beacon of light to the world. Join here:
What do we mean by had enough?
Encompassing things like, 1st-2nd amendments, protection from force and fraud, lockdowns, unconstitutional taxes, bills, mandates etc
Encompassing things like forced vaccines, CRT in schools systems, school vouchers, alternative medicine, energy uses etc
Encompassing things like voter and election integrity, institutional and government collusion, leadership corruption, in education, equal justice for all under the law etc
The Goal
God willing, If we take back our precincts, our Cities, our Counties we will take back our States which also has the added benefit of taking back the Federal Government as well.
Through peacefully protesting at the right times and places it will awaken others to grow our mutually aligned movement.
Through each of us getting involved in local politics, education, industry, society, it will ensure we restore our rights and by staying in these positions, it will ensure we keep our rights, choices, and accountability.
Join here:
What Can I do?
Start by filling out this simple from
Join here:
Go to the tabs, become a precinct committee person to start.
Check your email, look for invites to connect with others in your area.
If you know of other groups who care about restoring our rights, choices and accountability connect them here as well.
This only works if we all get involved, many groups are doing one thing like Anti-Vax, America first, Audit the Vote, Anti-CRT, School Vouchers, Alternative Medicine, TEA Party, Anti-Mask, Anti-Lockdown etc for instance, if we connect all the patriotic movements, not just one, our voice and movement will be unstoppable.
Where do we organize and strategize?
We will use our private groups on Pilled.net, Gab and other platforms.
We will hold video calls where all can voice their issues and goals.
We will send emails. We will meet in person.
We will win.
Who are we?
We are Christians, God loving-fearing parents, grandparents, neighbors, business owners, employees, concerned Americans who have had enough.
We are you, we are in this together, this is not about one man, this is about all of US.
Join Now
Be heard, make a difference, let’s peacefully take it back and keep it!
Proverbs 16:2-4
2. All a person’s ways seem pure to them,
but motives are weighed by the Lord.
3. Commit to the Lord whatever you do,
and he will establish your plans.
4. The Lord works out everything to its proper end—
even the wicked for a day of disaster.